More Information
The phrase “It take a village/community to raise a child” is a powerful one. Over the decades the “village” has certainly morphed to including not only certain individuals within a family and neighborhood unit but to also embodying the expansiveness of the internet & social media. Children are inundated with information at their fingertips and also unsolicited information that can bombard them with thoughts, beliefs, and feelings that we, as their guardians may not even be aware of.
Thus it now becomes that much more important to focus and anchor in the values, beliefs and perspectives that are most important to your family as they grow.
We cannot control all of what is “out there” nor can we control what our children will encounter. However, we can instill connection, ways of communicating, and the knowingness that life is a process in which we get to experience.
My intention for these activity books is to introduce tools of thinking. It is to spark conversations between you and your child, to open them to wondering, questioning and practicing for themselves and WITH their loved ones.